A Bride’s Wedding Day Beauty
No matter what she looks like any other time, a bride is beautiful on her wedding day. Walking down the aisle, escorted by her father, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman ready to speak her vows to the man she loves. She looks forward to building a life together and it shines from the inside out. She has waited and planned for this day for years. Now, all of her most precious dreams are about to come true.
Little girls are often raised on fairy tales. The princess is under duress and through her trials and tribulations she meets her prince. They fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. On her wedding day, the bride is now the princess. She knows she will live happily ever after with her prince. That is the basis of her beauty.
As she walks down the aisle, one side contains the friends and relatives of the groom and the other side has her friends and relatives. Nowhere will she see a sad or displeased face. All are here, by invitation, to wish her and her groom well on their important day. She has the love and support of family and friends from far and wide. This makes her joy burst forth and turns her into the beautiful woman her groom has long seen.
Once the vows have been said and the ceremony ends, the newly married bride will retrace her steps down the aisle with the man of her dreams. They are just beginning their journey in life together. As she walks on the arm of her husband, a bride's joy cannot be contained. It makes her radiant as never before. Her beauty will be captured in photos and videos of the day she was the most beautiful woman in the world.